To fully appreciate the good news of Jesus Christ, we first need to appreciate the bad news: the fall, our sin, and the punishment we deserve because of it. Once we have studied our desperate condition, we will find more reason to worship Jesus Christ for the salvation he secured for us.
This class will follow chapters 6-8 of the Westminster Confession of Faith:
Ch. 6 Of the Fall of Man, of Sin, and of the Punishment Thereof,
Ch. 7 Of God’s Covenant with Man
Ch. 8 Of Christ the Mediator
Each doctrine will be demonstrated from scripture and then applied to life. The class will
familiarize students with the vocabulary and reasoning in this widely used doctrinal standard which will equip students for further theological study. The class will also give students time for discussion so that they may better apply the doctrines to themselves and be prepared to share their understanding with others.
Please sign up by clicking on the ‘Buy Now’ button on the right and following the instructions on the page, or you can contact the registrar at, phone or text 401-374-0672 or see Scott at Grace Community Baptist Church on Sundays
Classes will be on Zoom at 7:35pm EST on March 4, 11, [one week break], March 25, April 1, 8, 15, 22
Emily van Dixhoorn (MAR Westminster Theological Seminary) has lead women’s Bible study and prayer groups for 20 years and currently speaks at retreats and marriage conferences. Having graduated from Brown University, Emily feels at home in Rhode Island. Emily and her husband have lived in England, Virginia, and Pennsylvania and now live in Charlotte, North Carolina. She is the author of Confessing the Faith Study Guide, a companion to her husband’s commentary on the Westminster Confession of Faith. She and her husband co-authored Gospel Shaped Marriage: Grace for Sinners to Love like Saints. Emily and Chad have five children from ages 12-23. They regularly welcome people into their home of happy chaos. For fun, Emily plays tennis, paints, and walks their dog.